Sunday, May 31, 2009

CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Know What’s new in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3

Below here, you can find and read our short and useful 'CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Know What’s new in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3'. This 'CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Know What’s new in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3' are very useful for all CorelDRAW users, especially for CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3. Let's follow the steps on this 'CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Know What’s new in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3' below:

What’s new in CorelDRAW
New features and enhancements in the following areas will boost your productivity by helping you complete many tasks more easily and in less time.

• The Crop tool lets you remove unwanted areas from vector objects and bitmaps. For more information, see "Cropping, splitting, and erasing objects."
• You can now shape curve objects much more easily. Using the freehand marquee selection mode, you can select multiple nodes in the most complex curves. The newly designed control handles can also help you in selecting and editing nodes. In addition, you can move line segments more easily. For more information, see "Shaping curve objects."
• You can reduce the number of nodes in curve objects, which can help in the output of your projects to devices such as vinyl cutters, plotters, and rotary engravers. For more information, see "To reduce the number of nodes in a curve object."
• You can shape objects by filleting, scalloping, or chamfering their corners. For more information, see "Filleting, scalloping, and chamfering corners."
• You can automatically create a path around selected objects to create a boundary. This boundary can be used for creating outlines, keylines, or cut lines. For more information, see "Creating a boundary around selected objects."

You can trace (vectorize) bitmaps, such as photos, or scanned images and drawings, directly in CorelDRAW, converting them to editable and scalable vector graphics. You can then easily integrate the vector graphics into your designs. Preset styles let you achieve optimum results for any bitmap that you want to trace. In addition, you can easily preview and edit traced results by using the controls in Corel® PowerTRACE. For more information, see "Tracing bitmaps and editing traced results."

Effects and Fills
• Bevel effects let you add three-dimensional depth to graphic and text objects. Bevel effects can contain both spot and process (CMYK) colors, so they are ideal for printing. For more information, see "Creating bevel effects."
• The Smart fill tool lets you apply fills to areas created by overlapping objects. Unlike other fill tools, which fill only objects, the Smart fill tool detects the edges of an area and creates a closed path, so that the area can be filled. For more information, see "Applying fills to areas."

Copying objects
• When duplicating objects, you can easily specify the distance between the original object and the object’s duplicate. For more information, see "To duplicate an object."
• You can create multiple copies of objects and specify their position. For example, you can distribute object copies horizontally, to the left or right of the original object. For more information, see "To create copies of an object at a specified position."

Drawing stars
The Star and Complex star tools let you draw stars quickly. For more information, see "Drawing polygons and stars."

Changing the order of objects
The enhanced Arrange > Order command lets you easily change the stacking order of objects on a layer or page. For more information, see "To change the order of an object."

Formatting text
• The Paragraph formatting and Character formatting dockers give you easy access to commonly used text formatting options. In addition, the new commands on the Text menu let you easily add tabs, columns, bullets, and drop caps and insert formatting codes, such as em dashes and nonbreaking spaces.
• You can fit text to any path by using the dynamic preview, which helps you position the text. After fitting text to a path, you can further adjust the text’s position. For example, you can easily offset the text from the path and mirror the text horizontally or vertically, or both.
• You can easily choose the right fonts for your project. In addition to previewing selected text with different fonts applied, you can now quickly view a list of the available font families and identify the fonts and styles available within each family.
• You can insert optional hyphens, which let you specify where to break the word when it is at the end of a line. You can also create custom definitions for optional hyphenation, which allows you to specify where a hyphen is inserted in a specific word whenever that word is entered in CorelDRAW.
• You can choose to import black text as CMYK black. For more information, see "Adding and formatting text."

Spot colors
Support for spot colors has been greatly enhanced. You can import, export, and preview files that contain spot colors. Vector effects, such as bevels, drop shadows, transparency, mesh fills, and blends, can now contain both process and spot colors, which makes them ideal for printing. In addition, spot colors beneath vector effects are now preserved rather than converted to process colors.

Simulating overprinted colors
You can preview a simulation of how overprinted colors will mix by using the Enhanced with overprints viewing mode. This feature is useful for proofing your projects. For more information, see "Choosing viewing modes."

Correcting bitmaps
The Image Adjustment Lab lets you correct the color and tone of photos and other bitmaps quickly and easily, in one location. For more information, see "Adjusting color and tone quickly in the Image Adjustment Lab."

PDF security
You can set security options to protect the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files that you create. Security options let you control whether, and to what extent, a PDF file can be accessed, edited, and reproduced when viewed in Adobe Acrobat. You can also open and import PDF files protected by a password.

File compatibility
• CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 provides improved file compatibility with many industry-standard file formats, such as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), PostScript (PS or PRN), Corel DESIGNER, Adobe Illustrator (AI), Portable Document Format (PDF), and Paint Shop Pro (PSP). For more information, see "File formats."
• RawShooter essentials 2005, an application included in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3, lets you open and edit raw camera files, and save them as TIFF or JPEG files. For more information, see "Raw camera file formats."

CorelDRAW Design Collection
The CorelDRAW Design Collection provides you with ready-to-use professional templates developed around several design styles. Combining layouts and design styles, you can create effective and original flyers, brochures, letterheads, envelopes, business cards, and labels.

Features introduced in earlier versions of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
Features that were new in earlier versions of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite — from versions 9 to 12 — are easy to identify once you start the program. You can highlight all menu commands and tools that were new for a specific version by clicking Help > Highlight what’s new. This feature is especially useful if you are upgrading from an earlier version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.

Learning tools
• Hints help you master each tool in the toolbox as you are using the tool.
• In Insights from the Experts, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite experts from diverse graphics industries share with you their ideas, approaches, tips, and methods.
For more information about these new learning tools, see "Getting help."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Set Options for the Freehand and Bézier Tools of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3

Below here, you can find and read our short and useful CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Set Options for the Freehand and Bézier Tools of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3. This CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Set Options for the Freehand and Bézier Tools of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 are very useful for all CorelDRAW users, especially for CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3. Let's follow the steps to set options for the Freehand and Bézier tools in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3:

1. Click Tools Options.

2. In the Workspace list of categories, click Toolbox, and then click Freehand/Bézier tool.

3. Move the Freehand smoothing slider to set the default smoothness for curved lines.

4. Higher values produce smoother curves.

5. Double-click the Freehand or Bézier tool to display the Freehand/Bézier page in the Options dialog box.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

CSS hack untuk semua Internet Explorer

<p><!--[if IE]>

tampil untuk semua Internet Explorer<br />


<!--[if IE 5]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer 5<br />


<!--[if IE 5.0]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer 5.0<br />


<!--[if IE 5.5]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer 5.5<br />


<!--[if IE 6]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer 6<br />


<!--[if IE 7]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer 7<br />


<!--[if gte IE 5]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer 5 and up<br />


<!--[if lt IE 6]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer lower than 6<br />


<!--[if lte IE 5.5]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer lower or equal to 5.5<br />


<!--[if gt IE 6]>

tampil untuk Internet Explorer greater than 6<br />



Monday, May 4, 2009

CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Draw a Curve by Specifying Width and Height in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3

Now you can see our short and useful - CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Draw a Curve by Specifying Width and Height in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3. This CorelDRAW Tutorial, Tips, and Tricks to Draw a Curve by Specifying Width and Height in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 below are very useful for all CorelDRAW users. Here are the steps to draw a curve by specifying width and height in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3:

1. Open the Curve flyout, and click the 3 point curve tool.

2. Click where you want to start the curve, and drag to where you want the curve to end.

3. Release the mouse button, and click where you want the center of the curve to be.